You need to fight the cause, not the effect

The intellect of Etiona will help you find the hidden causes of disease, so that you fight the disease at all levels.

Enter the available symptoms and find out non-obvious variants of the disease, which then need to be excluded with a doctor.

The answer in the form of diagrams from chains of cause-effect relationships will explain why such a result was obtained.

Free for the entire testing period.

Start search   

For whom is this online service?

For a doctor if they:

  • conducts differential diagnosis for a combination of diverse symptoms.
  • applies a systematic approach in the diagnostic search to treat the patient, not the disease.
  • did not find pathology in the patient according to his profile and wants to tell him the direction for further examination.

For the patient if they:

  • he walks in circles on specialists, long, but unsuccessfully examined or treated
  • advice is needed, what else can be excluded in order to establish the causes of the painful condition
  • if his diagnosis contains the words `unknown origin` or `idiopathic`

If only the symptom is treated, the disease will become stronger over the years without proper treatment

While a patient with tick-borne borreliosis "treats" the headache with painkillers, his disease progresses and becomes chronic, turning life into a nightmare.

Look for the reasons before they cause complications.

headache can be a symptom of a serious illness

Even if the patient already has many correct diagnoses, their common root cause may be not established.

A patient with Sjogren's disease can be treated for many years: ENT for rhinopharyngolaryngitis and sinusitis, ophthalmologist for keratoconjunctivitis, dentist for sialoadenitis, caries and stomatitis, neurologist for neuropathy, and therapist for tracheobronchitis, cholecystitis and gastritis.

There is a full card of correct diagnoses, but the reason for such a bouquet - Sjogren's disease, is not shown in 50% of cases.

When diseases roll in like a waterfall - make sure they don't have a common root cause!

Graph of Sjogren`s disease

Any disease can be just a symptom of another disease

If you unravel the tangle of diseases, you will be surprised how deeply the root causes of symptoms can be buried.

After seeing the entire pathological chain, break several links in it at once to get a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

Cause-and-effect relationships will help you find the answer.

Everything that happens around and inside us can be described by separate connections. "acorn" - > "oak"; "fire" - > "smoke"; "bleeding" - > " anemia"

Doctors study such connections at the Institute in order to understand what is happening in the human body in normal and pathological conditions. Etiona already knows 460,000 links in English.

There is logic in the development of the disease, use it to understand what is happening.

You can't divide a person into parts, you need to analyze all his symptoms!

The blind sages touched 1 part of the elephant and described animal incorrectly. Because you always need to see the big picture. The same problem exists in medicine.

A doctor has the right to treat only what is within the framework of his specialty, he is limited by the time of admission, the equipment of the office and the capabilities of his memory. As a result, diagnoses that lie on the surface, related to the specialty of the doctor, are more often established. The underlying causes of the disease are rarely clarified.

Everything is connected in the human body, therefore Etiona will take into account all the patient's heterogeneous symptoms and show the connections between them.

Have your symptoms been analyzed in their entirety?

the disease is similar to an elephant, which everyone described in parts, but as a whole, no one saw

Etiona will think of thousands of diseases at once.

Find many options for the causes of the disease for differential diagnosis, saving time that could be spent on an independent search in hundreds of articles in the Internet search engine.

Etiona will hypothesize the development of the disease, even if a similar case has not yet been described in the literature.

When creating an answer, the knowledge obtained at once from many scientific sources will be simultaneously applied.

When making a diagnosis, exclude not only frequent diseases, but all known to medicine.

Artificial intelligence will apply the knowledge gained from millions of books in order to help solve your diagnostic puzzle.

A symptom can have several independent causes at the same time

Dental caries can be the result of the sum of many reasons: low calcium levels, dryness and increased acidity in the mouth, excess sweet food, poor hygiene, etc. Each of the root causes contributes to feeding the symptom.

If you encounter an atypically strong symptom, search in several directions at once.

Ready to find out Etiona's unexpected insights about your set of symptoms?

Do it right now!

Start search   

Other benefits of Etiona:

A few vivid symptoms are enough

No hourly questionnaires from hundreds of complex clarifying questions.

Huge selection of complaints and illnesses

When creating a request, you have access to a list of ~ 6000 symptoms and diseases (growing regularly)

Symptoms understood by you.

You can include in your question both simple complaints that the child understands and complex medical terms.

This is not a black box.

interactive response graphs help to understand the logic of the program's reasoning

About program device

"Etiona" calculates the possible causes of the disease, generating causal chains from the known etiopathogenetic relationships. At the moment, the memory contains information about only a small part of the diseases existing in the world(20%). But the database of the program is updated regularly and what was not found today may be found next time.

Work examples

( Do not forget to watch the video demo before starting your independent work)

Option: Roots of the symptoms

Find out what can cause weakness and chest pain.

We`ll go to the facts entry page by clicking on the green button with the inscription `Options`

Step 1

Make a list of facts to create a question.

We`ll select and enter the symptoms to be examined in the list. At the end, press the green button with the inscription `Find out Etiona`s answer`.

screenshot of symptom input window

Step 2

Get the answer.

Consider the graphs of the calculated reasons. To see a complete and interactive answer to this question, click here.(177 possible reasons)

gif from screenshots of part of the program response

Step 3

Narrow down the diagnostic search.

Each disease or link in the pathogenesis may have other manifestations. Some of these possible consequences/symptoms can be seen by double-clicking on the node of interest. In the window that appears, select the features that also occur in this case by clicking on the blue cross at the end of the desired line. For example, add `suffocation` and `cough`. After viewing the entire list, click the blue button `close` at the bottom of the window.

screenshot of a window with a list of effects / manifestations for a previously selected node

Step 4

Get the second sorted answer.

If additional symptoms were noted, then Etiona will redraw the graphs taking into account the newly marked signs, the path from the cause to the newly entered symptom will appear where it is possible with sufficient probability. Having finished searching for additional symptoms, click on the green button `new question` and in the next answer, Etiona will sort the graphs depending on the number of matching symptoms.

gif from screenshots of part of the second (supplemented and sorted) program response


For some combination of symptoms, hundreds of disease options will be possible.

Note the pathologies that have the highest number of matching symptoms and are drawn by short cause-and-effect chains. If after pressing the `new question` button, the list of additional symptoms is not deleted, then in the newly issued answer, Etiona Will place such diseases at the very beginning of the queue of graphs, sorting his answer in the order of occurrence of the given symptoms with the maximum probability.

As a result, You will be able to select several variants of diseases for priority confirmation (or exclusion) by narrow specialists.

Option: All the causes

Find out the closest possible causes of the symptom of "suffocation"

Similarly, go to the "Options" tab, and then select the "All reasons" option

Step 1

Enter the fact of interest

Selecting a fact from the drop-down list, click on the button 'Find out Etiona`s answer', after which we will wait for the answer to be drawn

screenshot of symptom input window

Step 2

Get the answer.

The response graph consists of the fact you entered (the pink center node) and the set of its immediate causes (blue nodes).

gif from screenshots of part of the program response


You should analyze all the possible causes. It is necessary to exclude or confirm the importance of these reasons in each case together with a specialist doctor. Those reasons that were confirmed by the results of examinations by medical workers, in turn, must be reanalyzed for reasons already for them, and so on until the dynamics of the development of this symptoms becomes fully understood.

Option: All the consequences

We find out all the nearest possible consequences for the disease "Candidiasis"

Similarly, go to the "Options" tab, and then select the "All effects" option

Step 1

We introduce the fact of interest

Selecting a fact from the drop-down list, press the button 'Find out Etiona`s answer', after which we will wait for the answer to be drawn

screenshot of symptom input window

Step 2

Get the answer.

The response graph consists of the fact you entered (blue knot) and the set of its immediate consequences (nodes of the pink color).

gif from screenshots of part of the program response


Consider all the possible consequences. Even if the patient confirms the diagnosis of candidiasis, only a small fraction of the symptoms listed in the column may be present. Conversely, even if part of the consequences coincided with the patient's symptoms, this does not mean that he has candidiasis. It is necessary to exclude or confirm the presence of the disease in each case with a specialist doctor.Consider all the possible consequences. Even if the patient confirms the diagnosis of candidiasis, only a small fraction of the symptoms listed in the column may be present. Conversely, even if part of the consequences coincided with the patient's symptoms, this does not mean that he has candidiasis. It is necessary to exclude or confirm the presence of the disease in each case with a specialist doctor.

Option:Causal Chain

Consider all the possible consequences. Even if the patient confirms the diagnosis of candidiasis, only a small fraction of the symptoms listed in the column may be present. Conversely, even if part of the consequences coincided with the patient's symptoms, this does not mean that he has candidiasis. It is necessary to exclude or confirm the presence of the disease in each case with a specialist doctor. "flu" and consequence "vomiting".

Similarly, go to the "Options" tab, and then select the "Causal chain" option

Step 1

Let us introduce the cause and effect of interest

After filling out each field with a fact from the drop-down list, click on the button 'Find out Etiona`s answer', after which we will wait for the answer to be drawn

screenshot of symptom input window

Step 2

Get the answer.

Each of the chains of causal relationships in the answer contains: the cause is a yellow node, the consequence is pink, between them are intermediate nodes of pathogenesis.

gif from screenshots of part of the program response


Consider all the drawn causal chains, to switch between them, use the "forward" and "back" buttons. You should analyze all intermediate nodes in the chains. For some cause-effect pairs, several correct cause-effect chains are possible at once. Confirm or exclude their importance for this patient with a physician competent in this matter.

Option: Targeted search

We will find the reasons for one of the symptoms, taking into account the remaining symptoms. Find out the possible causes for the main symptom "fever of unknown origin" and additional symptoms "jaundice" and "diarrhea".

Similarly, go to the "Options" tab, and then select the "Target search" option

Step 1

We introduce the available symptoms in any order

Having compiled the list, press the appeared button 'ask a question' located to the right of the symptom that we assign as the main one in this request, after which we will wait for the answer to be drawn

screenshot of symptom input window

Step 2

Get the answer.

Each of the drawn graphs contains a possible cause (yellow node), the main symptom (orange node), additional symptoms (pink nodes) and intermediate pathogenesis nodes (blue nodes)..

gif from screenshots of part of the program response


Consider all the drawn graphs, to switch between them use the "forward" and "back" buttons. Not all of the additional symptoms may be related to a possible cause, such nodes may have their own independent reasons not drawn in this request. To find the reasons for the unconnected nodes, repeat the query, choosing another symptom as the main symptom. You should analyze all the intermediate nodes in the graphs. For some symptoms, several correct reasons are possible. Confirm or exclude their importance for this patient with a physician competent in this matter.

About the author

`Etiona` was written by practitioner Khatmullina E.V.

This online service is an attempt to algorithmize the logic of the clinical thinking of a doctor to automate the solution of diagnostic puzzles.


If You have any suggestions for the development of the project, You want to leave a review about the work of Etiona or found any logical error in her reasoning, be sure to write to us about it.

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